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Cambro’s reusable Camsquare FreshPro Translucents will transform your mise en place

February 21, 2023

Stop using takeaway containers for your herbs, blended spices and mise en place. Cambro’s new half litre and one litre sealable containers are the perfect, sustainable alternative. These commercial food grade, reusable containers will save you money, reduce landfill and keep your ingredients fresher for longer. For a limited time only, Comcater are offering FREE […]

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Introducing Cambro FreshPro Camsquares

February 16, 2023

FreshPro Camsquares are the latest innovation from Cambro to fire up the Australian food scene. After consulting with chefs about what they wanted in a food storage solution, Cambro designed FreshPro. Containers with practical features for the busy commercial kitchen environment. The results not only keep food fresher for longer, but improve efficiency in the […]

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5 ways to maximise your commercial kitchen storage

August 23, 2022

Efficient, strong shelving can revolutionise your commercial kitchen. Don’t put up with wasted, forgotten food at the back of shelves. Sufficient airflow reduces mould and extends the life of your dry goods. Great organisation can keep food off the floor and easily accessed. Stop wasting time looking for that essential ingredient. Camshelving, by the masters […]

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What do the world’s best insulated pizza bags have in common?

August 16, 2022

Pizzas from Milan to Melbourne have one thing in common. They get delivered. That means pizzerias need bags that lock in flavour while keeping that fresh oven aroma and crispy crust. Not only does the pizza need to taste like it just left a piping hot oven, but the bag needs to be lightweight, durable […]

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The ultimate food storage guide to holding and transport

August 11, 2022

Your food is only as good as your ingredients. And, your ingredients are only as good as your supplier, transport and storage. From receiving to delivery, proper food handling is crucial in reducing cross-contamination and keeping your food fresh.   The best ways to keep food safe and fresh during holding and transport Your choice […]

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How to improve food safety in your commercial kitchen

August 2, 2022

Food poisoning is a constant threat for the food service industry. An outbreak from poor hygiene or food handling can close down establishments. There were 9497 cases of food poisoning linked to food and retail businesses between 2010 and 2017 around Australia. Even more worryingly, 1914 people were so ill they needed to go to […]

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How hotels are saving water, time and money with the Camrack 4-In-1 System

July 26, 2022

With Australia swinging between floods and drought, the hotel industry can easily find ways to save water. Especially in the kitchen. According to the City of Melbourne, the average medium to large hotel uses 301 litres of water per room, or to put it another way, 29 Olympic pools of water each year. Saving water […]

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5 mistakes to avoid with commercial kitchen shelving

July 19, 2022

Shelving can have a bigger influence on the running of your commercial kitchen than you think. Well designed shelving can reduce staff stress and frustration, create a streamlined process, save time and reduce food wastage. Overall, kitchen efficiency is improved. Hygiene and food handling standards are increased. If the hidden part of your kitchen is […]

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5 Essential products pizza stores can’t live without

October 29, 2021

Aussies love their specialty pizzas. Gluten-free, wholemeal, low-carb and gourmet options are rising in demand. The latest research by IBIS shows customers are willing to pay a premium for a great vegan pizza over the traditional ham and pineapple. Traditional pizzas are not only left behind, but are having to compete on price. To keep […]

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The Commercial Kitchen equipment essential guide

July 7, 2021

An effective and functional commercial kitchen starts with the right equipment. Don’t make do with what you’ve got. Investing in the correct equipment will save you money and time now and into the future.

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